Parent Guild

The Parent Guild, a CYS support group, is composed of family members of students in the Repertory Orchestra, Concert Orchestra, and the Symphony Orchestra.

The goal of the Parent Guild is to support the organization by helping at concerts, aiding in fundraising, providing refreshments for students before concerts, and much more.

We have the following committees in place:

Concert Committee
Concert Refreshments
Student Refreshments

At the beginning of each season we have an introductory Guild meeting where family members can meet the board of the Parent Guild, the Committee Chair Persons, Lee Elmore, our Executive Director, and our conductors Dr. Les Hicken, Mr. Jim Kilgus, and Ms. Ginger Greer. We also discuss the mission of our Parent Guild and provide time to sign up to volunteer with one of our committees.

If your student(s) are interested in participation with CYS, family members are also encouraged to volunteer their time and talents to the Carolina Youth Symphony, and be a part of it!